To Thoughts of Love

It is not an easy thing for some men to ponder the intricacies and convoluted appearance of love.  It is left to the fairer of the species such matters of the heart. But that is not to say we don’t think on it.  Some of us are simply better at expressing such pondering and putting into words our thoughts upon the matter.

As I have found myself lately in a most pensive mood, I have been attempting to get back into writing and working on some of the larger projects I had started a little while ago.  I recently worked on my very first screenplay and am working on polishing that up for a possible project (who knows, maybe?).  But my mind lately has been stuck on love. And Love.

To wit, I wrote the following earlier:

That muse who has found her way into my psyche has opened the floodgates of the whimsies of the teenage boy I was, the young man who saw love unfiltered and through yet-to-be-spoiled eyes and with an undamaged heart. My mind comes back to love of the human variety and that borne of the eternal and Godly-manifested. The rush of purely positive emotion is enough to make me lose my breath, cause my heart to skip a beat, and blur my vision in tears. For such feelings are not to be taken lightly. Those men who find love of this nature are lucky beyond measure, and the stout and proud warriors in this category know this. Their love is profound, and me finding this again at this time in my life is an amazing thing. I am changed back to youth in certain aspects though tempered with the knowledge of today’s self that love has even more meaning, even more importance. This love is something I am so very loathe to lose again. It is something I understand to be so very worth fighting for in even the worst of circumstances…

That love might find a misspent heart, for many ‘tis is but a dream.

Some travel the course of their lives in search of it,

Finding only that which their cold hearts allow them to see.

Others stumble blindly upon it to only fall painfully upon their pride,

Failing to recognize the gift Fate has placed before them.

And yet others of us begin to falsely think ourselves cursed,

Believing Love has been lost due to ill choices made.

But Love makes fools of prideful men

While making believers of the faithful,

For if we hold to faith and honor and goodness

Love returns and nourishes and heals and raises us to light.

God does not forsake us, and His Love is the basis of all love.

If a man should hold to his love of God and God’s love of man,

The pure and righteous love of a woman is something he is duty bound to cherish,

For that love is divine.

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