
It is that magic time, when one day becomes the next, when we move into a subtle future of which we many times are unaware, when time holds still for the briefest moment if we will but take note. In midnight there hides darkness, and in darkness can be uncertainty. Uncertainty is the killer of purpose and the stumbling block to action. Uncertainty can lead to frustration and falling back upon ill-conceived processes and disjointed thoughts. Uncertainty may well be the path to blight of the soul should the Enemy get a foothold and make any true headway.

But uncertainty and resultant discord of the soul are not meant to last, and such hardship ought not be allowed to run us to despair.

I have been there, close to brink and nearly falling over into the chasm. It is a familiar place though not one I dare say I hold dear. It is only familiar because I had been there far too often as a boy and young man. But such times are behind me now, such things are in my past, such things are not for my present nor my future.

But that old familiar sting remains familiar, and sometimes it seeks to dance with me again. Sometimes I move quietly onto the floor and breathe in its essence and remember its embrace. But always I do open my eyes and mind and soul to the light that has always been there, though it may have been shrouded by my own negative beliefs about myself. We are beings of light, some honed to a brightness that can only be shrouded should we allow it.

I sometimes need to remind myself of this. Even if the sometimes are farther and farther apart.

I wrote the following poem in September 2014 as a reminder of who I am and who I am not; and to whom I belong. (“Devil’s Eyes” was originally published in Social Letters And The Finding of Happiness.)


Devil’s Eyes

There was a time I looked into the devil’s eyes
And he looked back into mine, smiling all the while.
He grasped my hand and whispered sweetness in my ear.
His touch was warm and inviting,
Filled with empty promises and subtle little lies.
And my heart voiced its warning
But my tortured psyche ignored
And I walked for a time in his presence.

Yet through serious intervention
At the hand of God’s divine devices
I opened my eyes and saw the truth of my plight
And thereby made amends and reconciliation.
The truth is we each have within us
The ability to blindly follow the easy warmth of deceit
Or to stand up and make the hard call
To rest upon the truth and to work for what is right.

There is no providence, no path but that we choose to follow.
There is no making of darkness prescribed for some to be bound.
Light is wrought for the masses
Though darkness would have us believe otherwise.
Any prescribed belief to the contrary
Is naught but the hand of control:
Control of the mind, the body, the soul.
Maintain your soul.
Let it not become a plaything of darkness.

©Wayne Delk

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