A Duplicitous Few

Per Merriam-Webster, “duplicity” is defined as:

1. contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action; especially :  the belying of one’s true intentions by deceptive words or action

2. the quality or state of being double or twofold

The duplicity of politicians and those in the public eye has become commonplace and acceptable to far too many of us.  It is interesting to see so many pay such particular attention to the evils of those they disagree with and make continued reference to those items, even if those ideas are blatantly taken out of context.  Yet it is interesting to note the ability of those same persons to excuse, gloss over, or outright ignore the same in those with whom they hold some distinctly long-held belief (even if such beliefs are contrary to otherwise empirical evidence).

Hypocrisy abounds on both sides of many political issues.  There are too many people giving opinions disguised as facts, many times based upon others’ opinions disguised as facts or misleading headlines to news stories never read fully, and without a thought to any sort of fact checking.  The really interesting thing is that when factual information becomes widely available those same individuals never acknowledge their erroneous words or observations.

It is so very telling of a hypocritical duplicity inherent in those who care not for any sort of tolerance, but only long to push their agenda upon the rest of us.  Those agendas fly rampant on either side of the political fence.  And it is the weakest (of body, mind, and spirit) who suffer the greatest injustice at the hands of those who spew an opinion-riddled agenda under the guise of factual information.

It would be so very refreshing to return to days in which information needed to be vetted before it could be reported.  And it would be more conceivable to learn to take every word of every career politician and compare it to past action and not hold its value in accord with empty rhetoric.

Be wary, sheepdogs, for it is becoming more and more evident that our lives are not viewed as even remotely as important as even the most heinous of evildoers in the minds of those willing sheep who believe even the most obvious lies being sold (nay, given away for free) in most public forums.  I do not endorse any sort of fence building or circling of the wagons, but I do wholeheartedly profess the need to be ever vigilant in these times.  And I know there is a very large and growing segment of the population who sides with us in our righteous quest to hold the perpetrators of lawlessness accountable for their actions while maintaining peace for the great majority of those living in our midst.

God bless the sheepdogs and the entire flock we protect.

2 thoughts on “A Duplicitous Few

  1. Conversations With The Rootman January 19, 2016 / 6:45 pm

    It still boggles my mind that Fox News actually won a court case that allows Fox to broadcast not only non-vetted items, but to also purposefully lie to suit their own agenda. The next impression I had was now many other corporate news outlets (all of the major broadcast and print outlets are corporately owned) follow the same practice.

    Liked by 1 person

    • delkw January 19, 2016 / 6:54 pm

      Unfortunately, this has been in the works for some time with so many editorialized stories (belying the human nature of individuals to inadvertently put something of themselves into their work) going out on so many news outlets. I see it on all sides (as I’m sure you do as well). Those of us in the general public who fall prey to choosing one side over the other get played by those who hold power. And that power is being utilized in a sick game by both sides of the political fence. Unfortunately lives are being lost and a blame game is being played, and it is the overall public that suffers. I have heard and seen outright lies and subtle innuendo peddled even here in my home about individual officers (these are situations with which I am familiar and have knowledge of the truth). My own fears are that too many educated fools are simply repeating what they are being spoon fed and causing a self-fulfilling prophecy to come to fruition. Big money on both sides is playing with the little man as pawns. The news media is definitely complicit.

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